Wednesday 9 November 2011

And So It Begins...

In Fields!

I've been wanting to get this project off the ground for a fair while now and I can tell you it's amazing to to start sharing some noise. After months of focusing on other musical avenues at long last I found myself hidden away rewriting my material, recording and generally producing the tunes on the In Fields EP.

In fields was recorded on a shoestring budget. I spent whatever dosh I could muster on a couple secondhand mics, stands and leads from the local music store/gumtree. I cleared out my cupboard, padded it with all the curtains, pillows and rugs I could find and um, well, there's your studio...

I experimented a lot during recording. Hours and days dissolved as I developed my ideas and general sound for each track. In a typical recording situation you can't really do that (due to time constraints) but in this context I could take my time. I love working with others, however doing things myself gave me the chance to gain insight as to how each decision translated into sound. I used lots of overdubs and really spaced out my tracks, I wanted to envelop the listener, really convey the feel and space I had in mind. It's more of a mix for your headphones I'd say. Worked pretty well too.

It was great producing the tracks to create a certain vibe, however I also think the live performance of the songs really speak for themselves. As a result I've included live session recordings of the songs as well. I found this a great opportunity to include In Cycles, a song that I didn't have time to fully produce.

Download In Fields...

You can download the In Fields EP for any price (select $0 for free!) from HERE!

Stay in the know by checking my FB page for Gigs/Events/Upcoming Projects HERE!

I'm excited, I hope you enjoy the music. It has began!

All the best,


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